We believe the GaN is the future of high-voltage transistors. The material properties of GaN make it a far superior option over silicon carbide (SiC) for high-voltage power-switching applications. However, GaN processing technology has not produced a viable GaN high voltage switching transistor operating above 1,000 V. Current devices are largely horizontal conduction devices based on radio frequency (RF) designs modified to operate at high voltage. These designs are not scalable beyond 1,000 V for operating voltage, which limits their use to low-voltage consumer electronics applications.
Odyssey Semiconductor’s unique GaN processing technology allows for the realization of vertical current conduction GaN devices which extends application voltages from 1,000 V to over 10,000 V, allowing GaN power switching devices to extend well beyond the consumer electronics application space and into more demanding applications such as electric vehicles, industrial motor control, and energy grid applications.
With over 40% of global energy consumed by electric motors, there is a pressing need for more efficient and smaller power circuits. Vertical GaN enables designers to meet these needs.
To expand the adoption of electric vehicles, there is a need to extend range while also reducing total solution cost. Silicon FETs do not provide enough efficiency and silicon carbide FETs are too expensive. Vertical GaN is the answer.
Generating and distributing energy from renewable sources has created new applications for power conversion. The need to operate at high-voltages and high efficiency presents unique challenges that vertical GaN is best to solve.